About me

Hey everybody! and welcome to my garage! I collect a lot of retro and newer video games like the original Nintendo and Atari, all the way up to the Xbox 360. Throughout my collecting I have come across many doubles and duplicates of what i already have. So what better to do than share my findings with you and give you a chance to buy or trade some of the things i have found! Although most of what i buy is video games i may occasionally have other outdoor items sports items or just what ever i find. Enjoy!

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Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Game Hunting!

Went on a great game hunting adventure with my friend Dylan! we found a bunch of cool stuff for pretty cheap. Not too many older titles but picked up quite a few of ps2 and Xbox games.

Added to my NES collection here with Kung Fu, Sky Shark, Black Bass, Total Recall, Cobra Command and Captain Skyhawk. Also added one SNES game which requires super scope called Battle Clash

Both Mechassault 1 and 2, a couple of my favorites from when i was younger. SSX, Unreal 2 and Monster Garage. which took about 20 minutes for the lady at goodwill to find it!

Decided to go on a little Ratchet and Clank spree here with 4 of them. As well as finding Crash Nitro Circuit, Tomb Raider, Sonic Heroes, and Kingdom of Hearts

Now i got this SNES from someone on Craigslist along with the games below for $20. Got some of the marker off... if anyone knows how to get it off i'd like to know!

Picked up 2 boxed games Super Empire Strikes Back, and The Wander's of Y 3? Never heard of it but looked pretty cool. Along with those also picked up Donkey Kong Country 3 to complete that trilogy :)

That was our day! thought it was pretty successful and a great way to come back to vacation! Keep a look out, me and my friend Dylan who i do most of my "game hunting" with will be coming out with a YouTube channel and we will document our finds as well as being posted here. Also the Seattle and Portland retro gaming expos are coming up in Seattle on the 13th and 14th of July, and in Portland the 5th and 6th of October!

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